Skills Analytics solutions

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IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy (ISOT)

bringing quantum improvements in recruitment, talent development and talent management

Only Skills Matter

Every person, organization and country gets their edge from their skills.Today, general information such as age, gender, years of experience, location, titles, etc. is no longer relevant

What is important is one's Skills Profile i.e. the functional / technical skills we have, expertise with tools and technologies, the level of knowledge of methods, standards etc., certification, domains or contexts in which we have applied our skills.

While we shift the focus to skills, we would need good quality data on skills to put them to use, to nurture them and develop them

IYS helps in getting quality data on skills of people and jobs by helping in mapping of skills of ours and that of jobs in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

IYS helps in getting quality skills data and perform skills analytics

ISOT - IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy

A large menu card or catalog of over 100,000 terms

Menu cards and catalogs help us make smart selections. Likewise, IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy is a large menu card of skills terms. The terms are smartly organized, and constantly updated.

The objective is to help us all, irrespective of the industry or function or level we are in, map our skills comprehensively and precisely.

The richer and more precise the information, the richer and more precise the output, right? Today we get job alerts amongst which most are irrelevant to us. Hiring managers get flooded with resumes most of which are useless. The reasons for these problems is poor quality of skills information and thereafter poor matching of skills of people and that of jobs.

ISOT API for HR Technology applications

Consider ISOT API as what Google Maps API is to location based apps.

HR Technology applications such as Learning Management System (LMS), HRIS, Recruitment Systems or ATSs, Workforce Planning Systems, Employee Collaboration systems all depend on good quality skills data of people and jobs

HR Technology can get leverage using IYS’s research and focus on skills taxonomy. They can use ISOT through API to make their applications skills-centric. With ISOT in the applications, skills data of users can be fetched with precision. Thereafter, output from the application for the users can be superior value.

Employee Skills Analytics (ESA) Application for Companies

Enabling organizations take data driven and skills-centric Human Capital decisions.

Tracking skills is a pain in most companies. They do not know what skills are there in the company, who has a particular skill, who can developed for an emerging skill and such. Problem is acute at a time when it is imperative that organizations get agile and respond faster to changing and emerging dynamics of business.

ESA, addresses this problem with a simple and powerful Software As A Service (SAAS) application. ESA helps combining a way to acquire quality data on skills and tools to perform analytics on the dat, drastically improves decision making on Human Capital management.

Personal Skills Profiling for Individuals

Smartly showcase your skills - what and how good you are at

Skills are the basis for getting hired or find opportunities within an organization for ones career development. Yet due to vague presentation of skills opportunities are lost, or times is wasted on irrelevant jobs. Resumes are extremely poor artefact when it comes to expressing ones skills particularly in an era of minimal text.

Personal Skills Profiling is a way for individuals to articulate their skills in a comprehensive, precise and quantitative manner that clearly showcases ones’ skills.

Organizations that have trusted ISOT