Software As A Service (SAAS) application for

Mapping and Managing Skills

(Role Skills Profiling, Employee Skills Profiling
Skills Inventorying, Skills Gap Analysis
Resource Optimization, Career Planning)
powered by
Comprehensive and Constantly Updated

No.1 problem with Skills Analytics

Skills data is central to Skills Analytics
However, Skills Data is tough to capture
Unlike people’s information like Titles and Years of Experience, skills data is fuzzy, non-numerical, and lacks pattern

Solution to the No.1 problem with Skills Analytics

IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy (ISOT) –
A rich, comprehensive, and constantly updated database of skills that makes mapping skills easy, holistic and precise.

Employee Skills Profiling

ESA enables employees to reflect and map their skills and proficiencies in their skills. The in-built IYS Skills Profiler frontend with the ISOT at the backend, makes it easy and engaging for employees to profile their skills.

Roles Skills Profiling

Roles (no not necessarily Titles) have skills they need. For skills of Java Developer role is different from that of a Python Developer though both may have same Title – Software Developer. Skills of every role can be mapped using the IYS Skills Profiler in a comprehensive and precise manner

Employee Skills Review

Managers can review the Employee Skills Profile and provide the employees feedback on their skills and validate the skills.

Employees can also seek feedback from their colleagues with the Peer Review Feature.

Employee Skills Inventory

Entire Human Capital Asset in one report – View all the skills available in the company, how many employees have those skills, how many are in which skills and more. ESA make Human Capital decision making process skills-centric.

Organization Skills Gap

View where your organization’s weaknesses on skills are. As also strengths. Do you need to worry about a lack of capabilities in some skills? Do you need to hire for those skills? Or train internal resources on those skills? Decisions on these made scientific with ESA

Resource Identification

A new project coming up? A replacement for an employee who has quit has to be found?

Responding fast and looking within the organization to fulfill the skills needs made easy with the Resource Identification feature which runs a Best Fit algorithm to identify people within.

Employee Career Planning

Poor and unscientific ways on career guidance for employees is the biggest factor for employee dis-engagement. Now with ESA you can democratise discoverability of opportunities within organization for employees based on their skills profile

Employee Development

Employees can discover gaps in their skills vis a vis that for their current role. Similarly they can discover the gaps vis a vis roles they aspire for. Learning programs thus become scientific. Similar Learning & Development functions can charter personalized development programs scientifically

ESA is easy to use, practical and economic


The features and functionalities are low on bells and whistles and high on practicality


Cloud based; Users across locations can use; No special training required


Provides rich data and reports at micro (individual) and macro (organization) levels


Pay on number of employees in your organization and on yearly subscription

List of features / modules in Employee Skills Analytics (OSM) Application

Profiling of Skills of Employees
Finding Matching Skills Profiles for Open Positions
Profiling of Skills of Jobs
Analysis of Skills Gap in different jobs
Skills Inventory of Employees’ skills
Analysis of Skills Gap of employees
Identifying employees in organizations on skills
Analysis of best fit of skills

Learn how ESA application would help grow your organization & improve your bottom line without growing your headcount