Democratising Career Development within the organization

Career development remains the most important concern of employees. They want to know how they will grow within the company and what opportunities exist or will be available to them in the future. Ownership of career development is not so clearly defined. Is it that of HR? or, is it the immediate supervisor’s or manager’s? or, is it that of the business unit head?

Career development plans need availability of a good amount of information on the current jobs as well as future jobs. It also includes the skills that are needed for the current and the future job. Most companies do not have such information and thus it is difficult for the employee, HR or Manager to clearly help the employee.

Solutions worth trying:

  • Collect the skills profiles of all job roles in one place. This is a simple, structured and precise format showing the skills required and the skills proficiencies required for the job.
  • In a similar manner collect the skills profiles of all employees. Get them to map their skills and rate their proficiencies in the skills.
  • Make the Job Skills Profiles accessible to employees in such a manner that they can compare their skills with any job in the company i.e. be able to compare the Job Skills Profile and their Employee Skills Profile. This will give them an appreciation of the jobs available within the company and the skills required for each. This will allow them to understand their own skill gaps required for roles that they might aspire towards.

Here is a sample output of the Skills Gap Analysis for a company:

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