Making People functions skills centered with ISOT
With comprehensive and precise skills data on jobs and people
Powered by ISOT

A quick look at how ISOT works under varied environments

Job portals and Recruitment systems

With the #1 task of matching people profiles to job profiles, most portals can use ISOT to get job seekers to create their skills profile with ease. In fact, any job provider can also use ISOT to create skills profiles for positions they wish to fill. There is a drastic improvement in the speed and accuracy of matching profiles. Plus, there is improved quantitative matching of skills of jobs and that of applicants.

Workforce planning systems

One of the most important workforce planning tasks is to enable employers to leverage every inch of resource within an organization. That’s where ISOT allows HR systems to graduate to the next generation i.e. from demographic information (title, age, education, location, etc.) to skills information. The entire planning is centered around people’s skills, thereby helping organizations determine their mix of in-house talent vs. hired guns depending upon the goals they wish to reach.


Knowledge Management

Have you ever wondered how easy and effortless it is to leverage the tremendous amount of knowledge within your organization? ISOT helps you take advantage of every resource within your grasp to solve functional/technical issues, collaborate on innovative projects, and much more. Your knowledge management systems can enable skills profiling of existing employees and make discoverability of resources a piece of cake (so you find people across locations and reach out to the right person for help.)

Skills Inventory and gap analysis

Organizations can map skills and proficiencies of direct and indirect employees, thereby creating a skills inventory. ISOT makes it much easier to understand the skills gap analysis and perform analytics for decisions on deployment and sourcing. Being a pioneer in applying machine learning to human capital, ISOT helps you align employee skills with rewards and benefits. ISOT gives you access to a remarkable skills database to plan, analyze, and achieve unparalleled visibility and agility for contemporary leaders.


Learning management system

What matters is just not people But people skills. You need quick inputs on skills that employees need to develop. ISOT can help create a beneficial resource to understand what skills are typically sought in areas related to one’s skills. It can help one identify the areas one may want to develop. Mapping the different learning needs to different learning opportunities can enhance conventional learning management systems’ potential by leaps & bounds.

Data backed HR decisions

Best fit employees to open positions in the company can be analyzed based on their skills profile for a particular job. This makes the entire process of role transitioning much more convenient and efficient. The rich data on proficiencies in skills forms a vital resource for the HR community that can now draw reliable inferences through analytics and better impact businesses.


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