Purchase the constantly updated Skills Taxonomy

is a smart database of skills and occupations,

enabling rich skills mapping of people and jobs

Get a quick glimpse of IYS Skills and Occupation Taxonomy in this video clip

Multiple Uses

IYS Skills Taxonomy can be very useful for HR Tech applications. The Skills database can help applications fetch skills data of users such as employees, candidates, students and that for jobs.

Experience the richness of the skills in the Skills Taxonomy…….visit this Skills Profiler

JSON file

Once the purchase is made connection to database will be provided to let you download the json file.


The price of the Skills Taxonomy varies depending on the purchaser profile. Factors such as size of the company, maturity of the company, location are considered.

There is a first time purchase fee. Updates will be released first and the seventh month of the year. These updated can be purchased on an additional fee.