World’s #1
Skills and Occupations Taxonomy

For a smart skills-centered For a smart skills-centered global human capital offered as APIs for HR Tech Developers

Why a Skills and Occupations Taxonomy?

Because the Skills space is changing fast

Technologies are emerging faster than ever before
As also, occupations due to constant innovation in business models
And these mean that the “skills profiles” are changing rapidly
Calling for Organizations to find and develop skills profiles
Faster, precisely and productively

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Because we lack of quality skills data

Title and demographic information are less relevant in today’s skills-center world
And on skills the information is non-standardised, incomplete, static, highly textual
And these cause poor productivity, impediments to agility

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Introducing ISOT – IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy

What is ISOT?

ISOT is an intelligent database of skills ?

That covers a 32 broad functions / industries. The skills are intelligently organized to enable creation of skills profile of people and jobs alike using normalized terminologies, in a comprehensive manner, and with ease


There are couple of other skills taxonomies in public domain and also there those that are proprietary ones that are maintained by some HR Tech companies and business organizations

ISOT is acknowledged as the richest of its kind in terms of width and depth of coverage and intelligence in the organization of the skills in it.

More importantly: IYS is dedicated and focused on continuously updating ISOT on a regular basis.

Organizations that have trusted ISOT

How you can use ISOT?

If you are involved in development of HR related applications like recruitment systems, job portals, earning Management systems and such, skills data is vital to your applications’ effectiveness

You can use ISOT API to use the skills data for aspects such as users adding skills, analysing skills of jobs or training programs, matching skills and more.