IYS enables organizations, HR Tech and Individuals
Make drastic improvements in recruitment, learning & development,
Workforce planning, HR analytics

Skills Profiling

of jobs and people
Powered by a
Comprehensive and constantly updated

Skills Taxonomy

What is Skills Profiling?

Skills Profiling is a mapping or identification of skills (in different areas including functional/technical skills, tools & technologies, knowledge of concepts and methods, domain, and soft skills) and the proficiencies in these skills.

Why Skills Profiling?

Profiling leads to personalization. Over a period of time, our skills profile becomes unique. The various skills that we have acquired and nurtured form our unique skills profile. So also jobs. Jobs and roles have their combination of skills and proficiencies in the skills.

The job opportunities that suit us and the learning needs of ours are specific to us.

Skills Solutions from IYS for Organizations and HR Tech

IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy

ISOT (IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy) is a rich database of “skills”. Objective is to enable quality skills profiling i.e. mapping or adding skills to one’s profile or that of job. ISOT is like a menu card of skills so that we use the same terminologies and also ensure comprehensive information on our skills.

ISOT is offered as API for developers of HR Tech applications such as recruitment systems, HRIS, Learning Management Systems, Job Portals,

IYS Skills Profiler – a frontend (in JavaScript) helps individuals search, select and rate on skills. This plugin can be integrated with applications. Workforce Planning Systems and others for capturing skills of people or jobs.

Employee Skills Analytics application

This Software As A Service (SAAS) application enables organizations to maximize the skills of their people and also improve employee engagement. The application at the core enables profiling of skills of employees and roles. And from their own it enables in skills inventory, skills gap analysis, career opportunities identification, resource utilization and others..

Essentially, ESA enables organization get skills-centric.

Candidates Skills Analytics application

This SAAS application improves recruitment efficiency by enabling superior and faster processing of skills matching of candidates and jobs.

Some companies that have benefited from IYS Skills Taxonomy